WWE NXT Report from 4th March 2025

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs Zaria and Sol Ruca

Chelsea goes for a un-pretty-her on Zaria but she escapes and picks Chelsea up in a electric chair position then Zaria tags in Ruca and they do a electric chair/ standing moonsault combination, Ruca makes the pin but she moves off to avoid Nivens splash and she lands on Chelsea instead. Zaria then hits a f5 on Niven onto Chelsea, Ruca hits sol snatcher on her then makes the pin and gets the 3 count for the win.

Winners: Sol Ruca and Zaria

Kelani Jordan vs Jaida Parker

Kelani goes for a springboard dive from the apron but Jaida pulls down her legs and she drops on the apron, she hits hypnotic on the outside then goes for it again against the steel steps but Kelani moves out of the way then returns Jaida to the ring, she heads to the top rope but Jaida meets her up there, they trade strikes with Kelani getting the upper hand knocking Jaida to the mat, she goes for a 450 splash but Jaida avoids it; hits another hypnotic into the cover and picks up the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker

The Hardy Boyz and Fraxiom Segment


He says they’re happy to be home in the WWE and the passion is palpable in the NXT locker-room


He puts over No Quarter Catch Crew, he compliments NXT

Hank and Tank interrupt

Hank and Tank:

They mean no disrespect and compliment the Hardy Boyz, they ask for advice.

The Hardyz:

They tell them to push outside there respective comfort zones

Briggs and Inemura Interrupt


He insults Hank and Tank, They dive onto Briggs and Inemura and they brawl into the back.

Fraxiom turn up behind the Hardyz, they all talk about the match next week.


Jordynne Grace vs Cora Jade

This match was stopped due to Cora Jade getting hurt. Grace won via referee’s stoppage.

Winner: Jordynne Grace



Je’Von Evans and Ethan Page backstage Segment


He explains why he attacked Evans originally and has no regrets.


He talks about his injury and no one will ever take his smile again.

They start arguing



Kale Dixon vs Trick Williams

Trick hits a trick shot immediately from the bell which drops Dixon, he starts to maul him and the referee ends the match as Dixon is out.

Winner: Trick Williams

After the match Trick calls out Eddy Thorpe.

Thorpe says they’ll meet in 2 weeks in a NXT Underground match.

Shawn Spears w/His People vs Tony D’Angelo w/The Family

North American Championship Match

Spears hits the c4 on D’Angelo then makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. He gets D’Angelo up again but he escapes then goes for a spinebuster but D’Angelo’s back gives out from inadvertently landing on a chair earlier in the match, Spears makes the pin and gets the 1 2 3 for the win to become the new North American Champion.

Winner: Shawn Spears

New North American Championship

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